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Why Launching AppCoda?

Why Launching AppCoda?

Last September, I released my first iPhone app on the App Store. It’s truly an amazing experience to develop an app. I have been programming for 10 years and developed various kinds of business systems. Yet this is the very first time I put up my own product and make it available globally. The App Store has changed the way we distribute software. Without it, I can’t imagine how I can put up my own software and immediately gets hundreds of download. I can’t tell in words how happy when my app went live and got the first 5-star review rating.

I started to learn Objective-C (the language used for developing iOS apps) and iOS programming about a year ago. Despite I have years of programming experience, I knew nothing about Objective-C. From my experience, the best way to learn a new programming language is to get your hand dirty. It’s just like you learn a foreign language. You can’t just read a book and teach yourself Japanese (or other languages). You have to practice, practice and practice. That’s the same for studying a new programming language. So I decided to create a real app that bundles all the iPhone tips and tricks I’ve covered before. It took me several weeks to grasp the basic of iOS programming and developed the app. This turns out to be a great learning experience.

Since then, I had an idea to launch a new blog to share my iOS programming experience. The idea has been ‘brewing’ in my mind for so long but it’s always hard for me to find time (obviously, it’s an excuse) to start another blog.

I realized I would never turn the idea into reality if I just kept the idea in mind and waited until I ‘have time’ to start it. I have to take action! Late last month, I finally hit the ‘Send’ button and emailed my subscribers about my idea and thus the new blog – AppCoda.

AppCoda is a blog about iOS programming. It’s a place where I’ll share my iOS programming experience and help some of you wanting to develop your own app to kick start your iOS programming journey. Ultimately, I hope it’ll become a community for iOS programmers to share and discuss development tips.

As an initial launch, I’ll publish a series of articles to work out an app together with you. It’s a simple app but it’ll give you an idea how you can build your own app. iOS development is not rocket science. Even you do not have any programming experience, you can build an app, most importantly you put in your effort.

You can consider the series of articles as a free course, a course for those who are new to iOS development. I’m still working hard developing the content and tweaking the design of the blog. There are still lots of work to do. I’m trying my best to bring the course in April.

For now if you’re passionate in learning iOS programming, stay tuned by signing up the below form. So far we got a very good response from our readers. Nearly 300 readers have already signed up the course.

You do not have to learn alone. Ask your friends to join us and learn iOS programming together!

Talk to you soon!

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