Write for Us

AppCoda’s primary goal is to deliver high quality and easy-to-read content for app developers. We focus to cover coding and development topics related to iOS, watchOS and tvOS. Learning by doing is at the heart of our approach to teach. We pride ourselves to offer hands-on and solid tutorials, and help others learn how to build apps.

We’re always looking for new writers to join our tutorial team. We aim for exciting, instructive and practical tutorials. Specifically, we’re looking for intermediate/advanced level developers with great English writing skills. If you have any valuable tips, tricks, and insights to share with our readers, you’re very welcome to write for us.

What Topics are We Looking For

We cover a lot of topics about iOS app development. Specifically, we focus on the following topics:

Note that your code samples in the tutorial must be written in Swift. If you have any ideas or useful insights that don’t fit the above categories, you’re welcome to contact us to discuss.

Key Requirement for Our Tutorials

Our tutorials are very practical. We want to take the hard parts of programming concepts and make them easy to understand. Not only understand the technical concept, we also want our readers know how to apply the concept or idea in practice. So every tutorial should come with a demo project or hands-on exercises to walk through the idea.

We focus on quality. The tutorial should be well written and detailed. But it doesn’t mean it should be boring. Your tutorial is not published in an academic journal. AppCoda is essentially a tutorial site. Your article is going to read by a large group of developers and to-be-programmers. The more engaging your tutorials, are better.

Getting Paid

This is not a full-time position. But all of our authors get paid. The amount of money depends on the length of the article and its quality. Once we settle on the topic, we make sure that you agree upon the payment conditions. On top of the payment, we will also include your bio in the article with a link to your website.

We work with developers from all over the world. The payment will be paid through Paypal.

Drop Us a Message

Teaching is one of the best ways to learn and build your professional profile. It may open up some amazing opportunities that you have never thought about before. If you’re interested in writing for us, please use our contact form to get in touch with us. In your message, please tell us about your programming background, include the URLs of your articles (if any) and the suggested topics you are interested to write about.

We look forward to seeing your application and working with you!